
Content Creation and Marketing

Content marketing attracts prospects and transforms prospects into customers by creating and sharing valuable free content. Content marketing helps companies create sustainable brand loyalty, provides valuable information to consumers, and creates a willingness to purchase products from the company in the future.

  • Attract attention and generate leads
  • Generate or increase online sales
  • Increase brand awareness or credibility

Writing for online consumption calls for a unique style because most website and online readers don't actually read the pages presented. They scan the content for key phrases they are interested. Then, if their interest is piqued they may read more carefully.

Most webpages have to make their point both visually and verbally with less thatn 150-200 words. Website visitors appreciate and look for short bullet points and highlights rather than wading through an ocean of text.

  • Using short declarative sentences.
  • Making list of key points
  • Providing summaries first and details in a link.

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